Monday 18 February 2013

To what extent does YouTube influence teachers’ practice in the primary classroom?

To what extent does YouTube influence teachers’ practice in the primary classroom?


The aim of this study is to investigate to what extent YouTube influences teachers’ practice in the primary classroom.


The following survey will involve answering ten questions, using a rating scale, multiple choice questions and comments.

Consent & Right to Withdraw

Each participant may choose to take part in the survey. All participants have the option not to answer specific questions. By taking part in this survey, consent is given for the data to be used in my research project. All participants may withdraw their consent at any time and their data will be destroyed.

Anonymity & Confidentiality

Each participant will remain anonymous throughout the study and all data collected with be used solely for the research project. All data will be kept securely.


All participants have the option of receiving a debrief if required. All participants are able to discuss any queries with myself or my dissertation tutor, Steve Wheeler (, at any time.

Contact Details: Amy Parkin.

Please see the following link to fill out the questionnaire. This should take no longer than 5 minutes of your time.

Thank you.
